Woman's Jewels Collection

Shopping by
  1. Selection of products: Available
  2. Category: Jewels
  3. Gender: Woman
  4. Size: 20 cm
La Petite Story experience
  1. Love (3)
  2. Family (10)
  3. Single Earrings (2)
  1. Woman (15)
Selection of products
  1. Family (10)
  2. Love (3)
  3. Single earrings (2)
  1. Brass (2)
  2. Natural agate (5)
  3. Steel (13)
  4. Stone (5)
  1. 1.5cm (2)
  2. 10 (6)
  3. 10mm (6)
  4. 12 (18)
  5. 13 (1)
  6. 14 (18)
  7. 15 (1)
  8. 16 (18)
  9. 16 + 3 cm (8)
  10. 16 cm (1)
  11. 16+3 cm (57)
  12. 16|3 (9)
  13. 16|3cm (1)
  14. 17 (2)
  15. 17 + 3 cm (9)
  16. 17 + 3cm (5)
  17. 17+3cm (1)
  18. 18 (13)
  19. 19 (1)
  20. 2,5 cm (2)
  21. 2,5cm (2)
  22. 20 cm (15)
  23. 20,6 mm (1)
  24. 20.2mm (1)
  25. 21 (1)
  26. 30 mm (1)
  27. 40 + 5 cm (35)
  28. 40 mm (2)
  29. 40+5 (34)
  30. 42 + 3cm (10)
  31. 42 + 5 (1)
  32. 46 (2)
  33. 5,3 mm (1)
  34. 6 mm (3)
  35. 6,2 cm (6)
  36. 6.7mm (1)
  37. 60 mm (8)
  38. 7 cm (3)
  39. Regolabile (7)
  40. ø 5,5 cm (1)
  41. ø 6,0 cm (10)
Items compare
  1. You have no items in the product comparison
Items 1-15 of 15
Items 1-15 of 15

Available Jewels Woman on La Petite Story

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