

Small stories of tenderness, love and luck to wear with La Petite Story jewels
You will certainly find the jewel that speaks of you and of your love, which reflects your look and that illuminates your smile.
Because even a little jewel can tell a great story, yours. 

San valentino


Every story, every love, every experience makes us who we are and it is beautiful to celebrate our value with jewellery to wear every day, which add a touch of beauty to our looks. Precious colors, a shower of crystals and many special symbols to choose from.  





For the more romantic we have thought of the coolest pendants ever.
Hearts alternated with medals with sweet messages of love with deep meaning that today become style icons. Among the symbols there is also the cloverleaf, for the most scaramite. Perhaps the most famous lucky charm in the world, designed for those who face difficult challenges and need a pinch of luck to face every moment with serenity. Luck is always welcome, especially if it comes in a format as cute as that of these bracelets. 


Adorable jewels that shine with a special light, thanks to beautiful crystals that enrich their simple but impressive structure.